
Love spell

Friday 20 November, 2015

Pagan cast a love spell for me and literally one day later it worked.  It was cast on a man who I love and who is my soulmate who also sees me as his soulmate.  We have both been married to other people for decades, but both marriages had been broken for a long time.  What we have is so special and unlike any relationship either of us has ever had.  We spend all our time laughing together and shine light on each other’s lives and, for months we knew that we wanted to be together and had talked about this. Then suddenly he had backtracked, not because he didn’t want to be with me, but because he is a good man and does not want to hurt his wife.  We stopped speaking to each other as we had been and we were both miserable and my life had failed apart.  Then I found Pagan and realised it didn’t have to be that way.

So you can see that this spell was cast not to change someone’s will but to make it easier for him to make the choice he wanted to make.  I thought it would take weeks but the day after it was cast he came back to me, completely changed and I have my soulmate back again and he has his. We spent yesterday laughing again and the attraction between us feels even more powerful.  Thank you Pagan!

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